Monday, September 22, 2008

Teething, the Phenomenon

Dear God, I know you know best, but why, oh why, do tiny teeth breaking through the surface (or pushing and pushing and pushing at the gums) have to hurt my baby so badly??? It's seriously unfair when he's too young to hold would-be soothing objects in his mouth...

This has been baby's ordeal for the past month. During that time, Smart Mom friends have shared their tricks to use until those chompers have matured. When you're desperate, you'll try anthing. Each baby's preferences seem very different.
*Refrigerate a wet washcloth to put in baby's mouth.
*Numbing gel.
*Age old remedy: teething ring.
*Teething tablets. However, I have heard of a case of overdosing, as they may not be heavily regulated by FDA. Ask your Dr.
*Frozen fruit in a fresh food feeder.
*When all else fails, Tylenol, following Dr.'s recomendations.

DON'T USE BENADRYL. Pediatricians everywhere are telling moms to avoid it altogether for infants. For more info, ask yours.

In case you wondered about the crazy wives' tale about the egg in the sock... I tried it, you know, for reporting purposes. Total hoo-haa, at least at our house.

The trick up my sleeve: distract him. He can forget about the pain for a while if I take him for a walk in the stroller or give him a bath.

To chart your baby's progress, here's a chart:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm curious to hear about this overdose? We use homeopathy in our home and from what I understand, you cannot overdose - especially with the Hylands brand because they are the smaller "dosage" of X's vs. C's. What happened?